The Family Camp is overseen by the RPCC Camps and Conference Committee, which is accountable to the RPCC Presbytery. The Camp is organized by a Working Group (Committee) of people drawn from almost all of the RPC Congregations in Ontario. Areas of responsibility are further delegated into working groups that manage the Camp: Registration and Communications, Finances, Kitchen, Camp Facilities, Ministry, Sports Activities, and Medical. In total, 16 people are directly involved in organizing and running the camp, this does not include all those who serve to ensure the smooth running of the Camp over the weekend.
Mrs Megan Chan
Head Cook
Mr. Stas Jesionka
Sports Coordinator
Mr. Joshua Pol
Speaker Liason
Mr. John Smid
Mr. Peter Chan
Kitchen Manager
Mr. Oliver Lam
Rev. Dr. Andrew Quigley
Miss. Leanne Zuiderveen
Mrs. Karin Foster
Emergency Coordinator
Mr. Bill Lowry
Speaker Liason